Securely send passwords, api keys, and secrets in Slack messages
Use the Shortcuts menu or /stash command to share a secret.
Make sure secrets only last as long as you want them too.
Expired or self-destructed secrets cannot be revealed.
Each message sent with Stached is encrypted with a unique key that is stored in the Stached secure vault.
The encrypted message is stored as an attachment in a message in your Slack workspace.
Stached cannot decrypt the message without the attachment and Slack cannot decrypt the message without the key from Stached.
Members of your workspace can easily access shared secrets without leaving Slack.
Get 10 free message tokens when you add Stached to your Slack workspace.
Each time a user posts a secure message uses one secure message token. Revealing a message does not use a token.
If you like Stached, keep using it by purchasing bundles of secure message tokens.
Refill your tokens as you need them.